Thursday, September 29, 2011

Student Gives Teacher Apple. Teacher Gives Student Apple iPad?
It is cool to see other schools also integrating tablets into their schools.  From personal experience, i know that apple iPads do a lot of tasks that traditional iPads do not.  Friends from other towns have said that it was pointless for everyone in the school to receive free iPads and i agreed, but after using an iPad in school for 4 weeks, iPads do make learning easier.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Private Is The New Public

Apparently, your college just saw that last status update.
Colleges are now able to track your online social chatter.  This violates the privacy of students hoping to get in.  What colleges may find is an inaccurate reflection of students abilities for college based on their social networking and social life separate from school.
So remember that if you apply for Harvard, they can see that you "liked" MIT.

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